Saturday, January 25

Factors to look after before you submit a free music blog

Are you craving for more and more audience for your music video? Who wouldn’t! Do you know there are blogs that promote or feature your kind of music? Yes! There are blogs for that and they do it for free. Of course there are paid ones too but there are free ones too and they help artists a lot to achieve the needed traffic target. 

Factors to look after before you submit a free music blog

There are specific ways in which you have to approach them. This article will help you know them. 

Once you understand how to do these kinds of chores, you’ll understand an important portion of the music business as this is the way you’ll be marketing your creation. This way you’ll get what you need and that is the audience.

1) Searching for suitable blogs:

First step for you to submit a free music blog is to search for suitable blogs. Make lists of the music blogs you already read or know of from earlier. Look into the types of music they feature or what kind of genres they prefer to feature. Make a list of the names of the artists they have worked for before. This is the information that you’ll be needing. 

2) Create a sheet:

The next stage for you to submit a free music blog is to make a list of the things that you have to take care and they are-

a) blog names

 b) guidelines to be followed

 c) Link to their contact page

 d) Name of a writer to has reviewed a similar taste of music

 e) writer’s email address

 f) If you get featured then link to their review of your music.

 3) Save your time:

There are small things that you’ll have to make sure of to submit a free music blog. You need to save your time as there will be lots of websites where you have to send you music to. So make an email template which you’ll be using every time when you have to send any mail to a website for any kind of interaction. You would want to personalize your email each and every time but it’s a waste of time when you have a lot to do already. 

 4) You must make sure that your content is completely ready:

To submit a free music blog you must make sure that you music is completely ready. Why? Because the blog owners will have thousands of others who will be requesting them to feature their music which will be complete already. So they wouldn’t mind not featuring your music because they will get good content.

 5) Send in your music before it is released:

Final step for you to submit a free music blog is to send in your music before you are planning to release it. Blogs wouldn’t promote music that people have already listened to. One second after you release your song, it becomes old. So make sure you send in fresh products. 

Understanding the music business is a crucial thing. You wouldn’t land anywhere if you don’t take care of what you are creating and your marketing strategy. Hence you can submit a free music blog which will help you in the process. You need to make sure your music sounds mature enough to be selected by any of the blogs for featuring. 

There is of course a lot of hard work that is needed but you shouldn’t have to be an expert to create something extraordinary. You just need knowledge and experience and a healthy marketing strategy.

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