Saturday, January 25

Selena Gomez, and other Celebrities Sign Open Letter in Support Of Transgender Rights

To mark Transgender Visibility Day, many celebrities, including Selena Gomez, Gloria Steinem, and Bella Hadid, have spoken out in support of transgender rights. 

These celebrities signed an open letter to the transgender community. On Wednesday, 31st March, the letter was published. 

Celebrities like Janelle Monae, Brie Larson, Laverne Cox, and Patricia Arquette also signed the letter.

Feminists  like Gloria Steinem, Regina King, and Chelsea Clinton too signed the letter. The letter was signed by more than 465 feminist leaders. 

GLAAD, an American LGBT+ charity, published the letter. The letter declares, “In observance of Women’s History Month and Transgender Day of Visibility, we write this letter as feminist leaders in advocacy, business, entertainment, media, politics, and social justice who stand as, with, and for transgender and nonbinary people.”

The letter continues, “transgender women are women, and that transgender girls are girls.” It puts forth a bold statement “For far too long, lawmakers have worked to strip trans women of their civil liberties—in 2021, once again, we’ve seen a wave of bigoted governmental policies and legislation.”

In the end, the letter asked people to fight against the unethical and unnecessary obstructions placed on transgenders. This fight will ensure the transgender women and girls get a better future for the next generation.

You can listen to her music on YouTube and Spotify and also follow her on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Also, visit her website.

To know more about the upcoming journey, stay tuned with Melobeam.

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